Publishing News, Writing

2 Frikkin Post-Its Left!!!!!

ebookcover72dpiWhen I am editing a book, there are lots of highlighters and Post-It notes involved.  Red pens make me cringe, so, I opt for the far more fun neon-colored highlighters and sticky notes.

When I started the rewrite on Speak of the Devil, it resulted in somewhere in the neighborhood of 20-25 sticky notes.  It hurt my soul.  I am here today to let you all know I am down to the final 2.  Those 2 sticky notes equate to the fixing one 1 scene in Speak of the Devil.  Granted, there are some boogery moments I need to straighten out, but, I swear I’M ALMOST THERE!!!!!!!

That’s actually it for my update today.  I have been focused on the last of the fixes instead of posting on here, so, I thought I would throw you all a super-quick update.

Love you all and thanks so much for your continued support!!!

Jena Signature

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